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Art and Photography
Art and Photography > art
Art and Photography > art > museums
    Stolen Smile, The
      This somewhat fictionalized account recounts the stealing of Leonardi da Vinci's painting Mona Lisa from the Louvre in 1911 by Vincenzo Peruggia. End notes provide additional cultural and historical information.
      Author: Lewis, J. Patrick HSE Descriptors: language arts - reading

    There Goes the Neighborhood
      Ten buildings that caused controversy when erected are the subjects of this book. Included are the famous (Washington Monument, Eiffel Tower) and the not-so-famous (the glass house, Frank O. Gehry's house). In the process of learning about these buildings
      Author: Rubin, Susan Goldman HSE Descriptors: social studies

    You Can't Take a Balloon Into the Metropolitan Museum
      While a girl and her grandmother view works of art at the Metropolitan Museum in New York City, the girl's escaped balloon travels around the city. The author of this wordless book include a list of the names and artists of the works of art that are incl
      Author: Weitzman, Jacqueline HSE Descriptors: language arts - reading

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