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History > region
History > region > U.S. history
History > region > U.S. history > well-known people
History > region > U.S. history > well-known people > Roosevelt, Theodore
    Camping with the President
      When John Muir invited President Theodore Roosevelt to a visit of Yosemite, the two men sneak off from media and Secret Service to go on a 4-day camping trip. The Author's Note and biographies, convey the importance of the friendship in expanding the Nat
      Author: Wadsworth, Ginger HSE Descriptors: science | social studies

    To Dare Mighty Things: The Life of Theodore Roosevelt
      The book depicts T. Roosevelt's life from youth to death. It explains his marriages, children, passions and accomplishments as a politician and conservationist. Full color illustrations and direct quotes help bring the story of Teddy Roosevelt to life.
      Author: Rappaport, Doreen HSE Descriptors: language arts - reading | social studies

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