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History > region
History > region > Germany
History > region > Germany > well-known people
History > region > Germany > well-known people > Gutenberg, Johannes
      This black and white picture book tells the story of Johann Gutenberg, creator of the printing press. It includes a map, time line, and afterword.
      Author: Fisher, Leonard Everett HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Memories of Survival
      A mother and daughter create a narrative in stitchery and text of the mother's life in Poland during the Nazi occupation.This collection of memories of the holocaust provides a first hand account of danger, despair and hope. The detailed tapestries provid
      Author: Krinitz, Esther Nisenthal & Steinhardt, Bernice HSE Descriptors: social studies

Science > scientists/inventors
Science > scientists/inventors > Gutenberg, Johannes
    Breaking Into Print
      The history of the production of books from quills to movable type to the printing press is illustrated in the style of woodcuts and illuminated borders. The book includes a timetable of the history of printing.
      Author: Krensky, Stephan HSE Descriptors: social studies

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