Book Detail

Berenice Abbott, Photographer

Publication Information
Author:  Sullivan, George Illustrator:  
Title:  Berenice Abbott, Photographer Date:  2006
Publisher:  Clarion City:  New York
ISBN, paperback:  0-618-44026-7 ISBN, hardback:  

Recommended audience:
Family:   Young Adult:   Yes
Picture:   Yes

General Information:
Book Type(s):    biography and autobiography, photographic essay

HSE Descriptor(s):    language arts - reading

The biography's subtitle "An Independent Vision" suggests the creativity, innovation, perservance that Berenice Abbot exhibited as she pursued the newly emerging field of photography and associated with the leading photographers of the 1920's and 1930's. Ohioans will note that Abbott had ties to Cleveland, the home of her sister. The author included an excellent selection of photographs and ample resource material.

Teaching Ideas:
This book might be included in a small text set on women photographers or photographers in general. Readers may want to choose a favorite photograph, describe it in pairs so that a partner could identity the picture. Because she continued to change throughout her life, readers may want to keep a time/place/acquaintance line to record the steps in Abbott's evolution as a photographer. Of particular interest for discussion and writing is the period of her involvement in science--her inventions and her incredible visualizations of scientific concepts. Readers may want to search the Internet for works by some of the other photographers that are mentioned--Walker Evans, Alfred Stieglitz, Eugene Atget, and Man Ray.

Teaching Strategies:
bullet Bleich's Heuristic for Responding to Reading
bullet Helping Students in the Writing Process
bullet Matrices or Charts
bullet Think-Pair-Share
bullet Types of Journals

Keywords: select any link below for a list of resources which also have that keyword
bullet Art and Photography > photography
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > emotions > determination/perseverance
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > emotions > imagination
bullet History > time period > 20th Century
bullet Geography > locations > U.S. states/regions > New York > New York City
bullet Social Studies > sociology > women > artists
bullet Social Studies > sociology > women > women in history
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > emotions > independence
bullet Geography > economics > consumerism

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