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    Alia's Mission
      This graphic storybook/graphic novel is based on the true story of the chief librarian at the Central Library in Basra, Iraq. It tells the story of how she tried to save the books from destruction during the Iraq War.
      Author: Stamaty, Mark Alan HSE Descriptors: social studies | language arts - reading

    Berenice Abbott, Photographer
      The biography's subtitle "An Independent Vision" suggests the creativity, innovation, perservance that Berenice Abbot exhibited as she pursued the newly emerging field of photography and associated with the leading photographers of the 1920's and 1930's.
      Author: Sullivan, George HSE Descriptors: language arts - reading

    Fortune's Bones
      A powerful poem, written in the form of a requiem, recovers the life and reconstructed history of a skeleton used by a Dr. Porter to teach anatomy in Waterbury, Connecticut. The format places author's notes across from sections of the poem told by differ
      Author: Nelson, Marilyn HSE Descriptors: science | social studies

      Once again David Macaulay describes and illustrates the construction of a traditional structure, this time a fictional mosque (but similar to the Blue Mosque in Istanbul). An introduction, a map, and a glossary aid the reader in following the text.
      Author: Macaulay, David HSE Descriptors: language arts - reading

    Shakespeare, His World and His Work
      This book explores the world of William Shakespeare through beautiful illustrations and diagrams, quotations from plays, a detailed timeline, a bibliography, and a closer look at five plays--A Midsummer Night's Dream, Macbeth, King L
      Author: Rosen, Michael HSE Descriptors: language arts - reading

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