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Emotions-Personal Issues
Emotions-Personal Issues > emotions
Emotions-Personal Issues > emotions > reflection
    Action Jackson
      Watercolors and text invite the reader to accompany Jackson Pollock as he creates his famous 1950 action painting, "Lavender Mist." A biography and bibliography expand information about the artist.
      Author: Greenberg, Jan & Jordan, Sandra HSE Descriptors: language arts - reading

    Big Talk
      Three poems are presented graphically with four color-coded bars to represent four voices for choral reading. The rhythms of the poems progress from easy to more difficult. The author provides a section on "How to read this book" and "Helpful hints."
      Author: Fleischman, Paul

      The author has demythologized the figure of Confucius, depicting him as a very human, vulnerable and wise man. In a postscript, the author explains the origin and process of the book, providing resources and an index of Confucian sayings. The illustrati
      Author: Freedman, Russell HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Henry David's House
      These seamlessly woven excerpts from Thoreau's Walden and the beautiful watercolor illustrations together describe constructing and living in the house at Walden Pond.
      Author: Schnur, Steven (ed.) HSE Descriptors: language arts - reading

      Beautifully illustrated by Thomas Locker, the book contains poems and prose excerpts by well-known writers with a thumbnail sketch about each writer and his home. Endmatter includes a map of the U.S. with dates and locations of the writers.
      Author: Locker, Thomas & Christiansen, Candice

    Stolen Smile, The
      This somewhat fictionalized account recounts the stealing of Leonardi da Vinci's painting Mona Lisa from the Louvre in 1911 by Vincenzo Peruggia. End notes provide additional cultural and historical information.
      Author: Lewis, J. Patrick HSE Descriptors: language arts - reading

    Way to Start the Day, The
      This is a hard book to categorize. The simple text is written like blank verse. The content is basically true. The text focuses on how people around the world celebrate or acknowledge the sunrise.
      Author: Baylor, Bryd HSE Descriptors: social studies

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