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Science > dinosaurs
    Dinosaur Ghosts
      Paleontologists suggest explanations for the many fossils of the dinosaur Coelophysis which were discovered in New Mexico. The index includes a pronunciation guide.
      Author: Gillette, J. Lynett HSE Descriptors: science

    Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins, The
      A story in three parts about a Victorian artist, Waterhouse Hawkins, who brought dinosaurs to life for all to see, originally in England and later in New York City He devoted over three decades to building the first life-size models of these giant creatur
      Author: Kerley, Barbara HSE Descriptors: science | social studies

    Dinosaurs of Waterhouse Hawkins, The
      A story in three parts about a Victorian artist, Waterhouse Hawkins, who brought dinosaurs to life for all to see, originally in England and later in New York City He devoted over three decades to building the first life-size models of these giant creatur
      Author: Kerley, Barbara HSE Descriptors: science | social studies

    Science Verse
      Repeating the success of Math Curse, the author and illustrator describe the "poetry of science" through parodies of famous poems. A CD is included.
      Author: Scieszka, John HSE Descriptors: science

    Time Flies
      In this book time unravels and dinosaurs spring to life as a bird makes a journey back through the ages.
      Author: Rohmann, Eric

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