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Math > data
    If America Were a Village
      Smith uses the a village of 100 people to represent the 306 millions living in the US today. Facts and illustrations create a snapshot of who we are and what we do. This book helps to define America's diversity by shrinking it to a village of 100 people
      Author: Smith, Davei J HSE Descriptors: math | social studies | language arts - writing

    If the World Were a Village
      The author takes the phrase "global village" literally, describing a hypothetical village of 100 people using world-wide statistics on nationality, languages, ages, religions, wealth, environmental conditions and so forth. End pages promote "world minded
      Author: Smith, David J. HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Measuring Penny
      A young girl, Lisa, fulfills a math assignment by finding numerous ways to measure her dog, Penny.
      Author: Leedy, Loreen HSE Descriptors: math

    Money Sense for Kids
      A simple, interesting book about money with something new for everyone that presents history and information about bills and coins and how to make money grow by earning, saving, and investing. Included are chapters on math and math games, and how-to info
      Author: Harman, Hollis Page HSE Descriptors: math

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