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Religion/Philosophy > church
      This fascinating nonfiction book describes the construction of an imaginary castle in medieval France. The illustrations are black and white and very detailed. The book ends with a glossary.
      Author: Macaulay, David HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Religion in 19th Century America
      This book, part of a larger series on religion in America, focuses on U.S. religious history in the 19th century. Illustrations complement the text. A chronology, sources for further reading, and index are included.
      Author: Wacker, Grant HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Sacred Places
      This collection of 12 poems and accompanying paintings celebrates 12 holy and magical places around the world. End notes provide more information about the locations.
      Author: Yolen, Jane HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Shake Rag
      As a boy, Elvis Presley discovers "good news" music at a traveling church that gives his guitar playing a distinctive sound when he records later in 1954.
      Author: Littlesugar, Amy

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