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Social Studies
Social Studies > sociology
Social Studies > sociology > women
Social Studies > sociology > women > women in history
Social Studies > sociology > women > women in history > Sacagawea
      Organized chronologically from early Greece through the 20th Century, the book describes the feats of 12 women from around the world. The stylized illustrations and the colorful, thought-provoking maps provides historical background. A Further Reading s
      Author: Hazell, Rebecca HSE Descriptors: language arts - reading

    My Name Is York
      York, a slave of Captain Clark, accompanies his master on the famous Lewis and Clark Expedition. An afterword gives additional biographical information and the end papers contain maps. The illustrations and language are especially evocative.
      Author: Van Steenwyk, Elizabeth HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Streams to the River, River to the Sea
      This is a fictional recounting of Sacagawea's association with Lewis and Clark. Although some Reading Group members were concerned about the accuracy of the portrayal, in the introduction, the author cites several references used in crafting the story.
      Author: O'Dell, Scott HSE Descriptors: social studies

    This Vast Land
      A fictional account of a young man on the real Lewis and Clark Expedition emphasizes and personalizes the confrontation of races and the conflict between civilization and the wilderness. There are allusions to sex, though minimal.
      Author: Ambrose, Stephen HSE Descriptors: social studies

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