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Geography > locations
Geography > locations > U.S. states/regions
Geography > locations > U.S. states/regions > Pacific Northwest
    How We Crossed the West
      Colorful illustrations, maps, and journal excerpts invite the reader to accompany Lewis and Clark on their expedition across the plains and the Pacific Northwest in 1804.
      Author: Schanzer, Rosalyn HSE Descriptors: social studies

    I Heard the Owl Call my Name
      Although this book is not universally appealing, some readers respond emotionally and deeply to this story of a young priest's year with the Native American people of British Columbia, his illness, and his acceptance of his fate. The book does not provid
      Author: Craven, Margaret

    Streams to the River, River to the Sea
      This is a fictional recounting of Sacagawea's association with Lewis and Clark. Although some Reading Group members were concerned about the accuracy of the portrayal, in the introduction, the author cites several references used in crafting the story.
      Author: O'Dell, Scott HSE Descriptors: social studies

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