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Geography > U.S. states/regions
Geography > U.S. states/regions > Oregon
    How We Crossed the West
      Colorful illustrations, maps, and journal excerpts invite the reader to accompany Lewis and Clark on their expedition across the plains and the Pacific Northwest in 1804.
      Author: Schanzer, Rosalyn HSE Descriptors: social studies

    My Name Is York
      York, a slave of Captain Clark, accompanies his master on the famous Lewis and Clark Expedition. An afterword gives additional biographical information and the end papers contain maps. The illustrations and language are especially evocative.
      Author: Van Steenwyk, Elizabeth HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Tulip Sees America
      The author tells a fictionalized version of her trip from the midwest to her new home in Oregon.
      Author: Rylant, Cynthia

History > region
History > region > U.S. History
History > region > U.S. History > Western Expansion
History > region > U.S. History > Western Expansion > Oregon Trail
    Places in Time
      This story atlas describes on facing pages activities at a particular place and time in U.S. history, e.g. Fort Laramie during the westward expansion on the Oregon Trail in 1849. Included are community and building diagrams with numbered points of intere
      Author: Leacock, Elspeth & Buckley, Susan HSE Descriptors: social studies

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