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Geography > locations
Geography > locations > U.S. states/regions
Geography > locations > U.S. states/regions > Minnesota
    Father Water, Mother Woods
      These essays recount Paulsen's adventures alone and with friends, along the rivers and in the woods of Northern Minnesota. Paulsen shows us fishing, hunting, and camping as pleasure, as art, as companionship, and as sources of lessons about life.
      Author: Paulsen, Gary

    John Blair and the Great Hinckley Fire
      This is a retelling of the effects of a firestorm in 1894 on a train and its 150+ passengers. John Blair, the train's porter, became a hero for his common sense and bravery in the face of extraordinary danger.
      Author: Nobisso, Josephine HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Winter Room, The
      This book tells the story of Eldon, a boy growing up in the mid-20th century in rural Minnesota. He and his brother Wayne work hard to help out on the farm, but have time for fun and adventures too. After a short introduction, the book is structured in
      Author: Paulsen, Gary

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