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Geography > locations
Geography > locations > countries
Geography > locations > countries > Jamaica
    Ajeemah and His Son
      This very powerful, short chapter book (83 pages) is set first in Africa, then on a slave ship, and then in Jamaica where Ajeemah and his son are taken. It tells the story of a father and son who are captured outside of their village and torn from their
      Author: Berry, James HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Jazz: My Music, My People
      This stunningly illustrated book offers short biographies of dozens of musicians, from Leadbelly and Jelly Roll Morton to Lena Horne and Dizzy Gillespie.
      Author: Monceaux, Morgan

    To Go Singing Through the World
      The childhood of one of Chile's most famous poets is told through a juxtaposition of the author's narrative and Neruda's own words. This beautifully illustrated biography includes excerpts of poems, maps, a time line, and a concise full-life biography.
      Author: Ray, Deborah Kogan HSE Descriptors: language arts - reading

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