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History > region
History > region > U.S. history
History > region > U.S. history > labor laws
History > region > U.S. history > labor laws > well known people
History > region >U.S. history> labor laws > well known people > Hine, Lewis
    Kids At Work: Lewis Hine and the Crusade Against Child Labor
      This book tells the story of Lewis Hine, a teacher and photographer who became so concerned about children working in factories that he became an investigative reporter for the National Child Labor Committee in the early 20th century. The pictures he too
      Author: Freedman, Russell HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Strikemakers & Strikebreakers
      Dense but interesting history of the formation of labor unions in the United States. Describes the origin and history of strikes and discusses their purpose and effectiveness. Fairly balanced look at the relationship between labor unions and employers.
      Author: Lens, Sidney HSE Descriptors: social studies

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