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Ethnic Groups > Asian-American
    Escape from Saigon: How a Vietnam War Orphan Became an American Boy
      This is an informative account of a child left behind when his American soldier father left Vietnam and his mother died. It traces his journey to America, his adopted family and his eventual return to his homeland to help orphans.
      Author: Warren, Andrea HSE Descriptors: social studies | language arts - reading

    Full Steam Ahead: The Race to Build a Transcontinental Railroad
      The Pacific Railroad Act of 1862 granted a company in California the right to lay railroad tracks east and another to lay tracks west beginning at the Mississippi River. Payment for the work, in land and money, was based on the number of miles covered. T
      Author: Blumberg, Rhoda HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Gold Rush, The
      This 118-page pictorial history of the California gold rush includes fascinating photographs and artifacts. It is an engaging prose account that includes the stories of Native Americans, Mexicans, and Chinese miners and families.
      Author: Ketchum, Liza HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Grandfather's Journey
      This book shows through its photographic-like illustrations and through its minimal text the displacement people feel when they immigrate, the longing they have for the old country and old ways, and the confusion that new loyalties bring.
      Author: Say, Allen HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Journey, The
      The text tells the history of the Japanese in America. The photographs depict sections of an enormous mural which the author created to "open the past, hoping to chase away the demons of prejudice and injustice."
      Author: Hamanaka, Sheila HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Lotus Seed, The
      A young girl tells her grandmother's story of carrying a lotus seed with her from Vietnam, losing it, and then regaining it. The author wants to share "how a family's heritage is passed from one generation to the next and how hope, like the lotus seed, ca
      Author: Garland, Sherry HSE Descriptors: social studies

    No Crystal Stair
      Nelson combines research with family stories to document the life of her great-uncle Lewis Michaux, an extraordinary literary pioneer of the Civil Rights era and his Harlem bookstore's role in the Civil Rights movement.
      Author: Nelson, Vauna, Micheaux HSE Descriptors: language arts - reading | social studies

    So Far From the Sea
      A Japanese American visits Manazar, a Japanese relocation camp in World War II, to visit the grave of a grandfather.
      Author: Bunting, Eve HSE Descriptors: social studies

    Toad is the Uncle of Heaven
      Illustrations draw on traditional Vietnamese figures. They may be foreign looking to Americans, but they are not childish.
      Author: Lee, Jeanne

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