
Thomas A. Edison

Resource Information
Title:  Thomas A. Edison
Page address:

Site Information
Author/Organization:  Edison Elementary School of Minot, North Dakota.
Root site address:

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Family:   Workplace:  

GED Descriptor(s):    science

This is a great biography of Thomas Edision. It is organized very well into short paragraphs and several major topics. Great for developing and competent readers the biography is written in an easy-to-read style and filled with a lot of interesting information. The biography sources are thoroughly documented. The site also contains some comprehension questions about the story and a nice collection of links.

This site would work well for learners who read at all levels. Extension activities can include creating a scrapbook of Thomas Edison containing his biography, inventions, photographs, quotations and more. This scrapbook can be in print or in multimedia form.

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bullet Science > scientists/inventors

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