
The Ninety Second Naturalist

Resource Information
Title:  The Ninety Second Naturalist
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Site Information
Author/Organization:  Cincinnati Zoo
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GED Descriptor(s):    science

The drawing card of this site is that it features 90 second real audios about nature topics including tigers, gorillas, predators, one-celled animals, why lemmings jump, orchids, blood-sucking moths, and many more interesting and diverse topics. These audios are short and rich with interesting content that will motivate learners to find out more about a topic. Facts and Feats includes a variety of interesting information and facts about animals and habitats. Find out about the cheetah, rain forest, the bald eagle and much more. Each link contains interesting information and great photographs. Did you know that rain forests only cover about 6% of the world's land mass but contain 50% of the world's living species? Visitors will learn a lot of interesting information here.

One of the best uses of this site will be for learners to listen to a few 90 second Naturalist broadcasts and then choose an animal, issue or habitat to learn more about. Be sure to check out the Feats and Facts feature to learn even more about interesting animals and habitats. Developing, competent and advanced readers will enjoy this site. New and developing readers can team up in pairs or with a tutor to enjoy all this site has to offer. A great extension activity would be for a class to create a naturalist presentation or multimedia scrapbook by using Hyperstudio, Powerpoint or Corel Presentation and add pictures, sounds and interesting facts to each slide.

Keywords: select any link below for a list of resources which also have that keyword
bullet Science > biology > zoology > wildlife
bullet Science > ecology
bullet Science > biology > zoology > animals

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