
Harriet Jacobs

Resource Information
Title:  Harriet Jacobs
Page address:

Site Information
Author/Organization:  Spartacus Educational, The Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia
Root site address:

Recommended audience:
Family:   Workplace:  

GED Descriptor(s):    social studies

This site includes a biography of Harriet Jacobs and several powerful excerpts from "Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl." Live links are included throughout the biography and include links to slavery, Civil War, slave market, Emancipation Proclamation, role of the church in maintaining slavery, and Horace Greely. Some links also contain quality photographs of slavery-related events and themes.

This site contains quality photographs of slavery-related events and themes including a slave market and much more. Related writing activities could include reflecting on the daily life of a slave and writing a slave journal. Another writing activity could include reflecting on the photographs depicted in this site and writing about the events portrayed in the pictures and a personal reaction to the events.

Keywords: select any link below for a list of resources which also have that keyword
bullet Ethnic Groups > African-American > well-known people
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > personal issues > individual > freedom
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > personal issues > individual > human strength

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