
Atoms Family - The Phantom's Portrait Parlor

Resource Information
Title:  Atoms Family - The Phantom's Portrait Parlor
Page address:

Site Information
Author/Organization:  Miami Museum of Science
Root site address:

Recommended audience:
Family:   Workplace:  

GED Descriptor(s):    science

This is a highly interactive site where visitors will learn about atoms, molecules, electricity, matter, properties of light and much more. Each phantom links to specific hands-on activities. These activities feature animation's and explanations of various scientific principles. The text features a larger font and is written in an easy-to-read style. The graphics and animation are colorful, realistic and really add to the presentations.

This site contains experiments learners can do in the classroom as well as right online at this site. Be sure to check out the Phases of Matter for a great illustration of how temperature affects elements.

Keywords: select any link below for a list of resources which also have that keyword
bullet Science
bullet Science > physics
bullet Science > physics > light

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