Eureka! Lesson Plans

Pumped Up Gas Prices

Lesson Plan Information | Lesson Plan Activities | Printable version (including handouts) (PDF)

Standard Use Math to Solve Problems and Communicate

Outcomes Students will keep track of mileage and gasoline amounts for one month and calculate miles per gallon, representing information by creating a spreadsheet. Graphs will be created based on average gas prices over time.

Classroom Information
GED Descriptors
     Science , Math
     Family, Worker, Community Member
Program Type(s)
     ABE, GED, Family Literacy, Urban, Rural, Corrections
NRS Learner Levels (ABE/GED)
      3, 4, 5, 6
Time Frame
     2.0 to 6.0 hours

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bullet Transportation > cars
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Purposeful, Transparent, Contextual, Building Expertise
Purposeful and Transparent
The teacher is explicit about the process of calculating miles per gallon so students understand more than the procedure, but understand the reasoning behind the formula.

Students need to be able to use math skills and apply them to real life situations to make decisions about gas prices and usage.

Building Expertise
The concept of ratio and proportion forms the foundation for determining unit rate and must precede an understanding of mpg.

Lesson Designer
Jackie Hamlett
Literacy and Educational Technology Consultant
(217) 3989933

Ohio Aspire

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