Eureka! Lesson Plans

Buying on Credit

Lesson Plan Information | Lesson Plan Activities | Printable version (including handouts) (PDF)

Standard Use Math to Solve Problems and Communicate

Outcomes By computing interest, participants will determine how buying on credit adds to the total cost of an item.

Classroom Information
GED Descriptors
     Family, Worker, Community Member
Program Type(s)
     ABE, GED, Family Literacy, Urban, Rural
NRS Learner Levels (ABE/GED)
      3, 4, 5, 6
Time Frame
     1.0 to 2.0 hours

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Purposeful, Transparent, Contextual, Building Expertise
Purposeful and Transparent
Students are often taken advantage of because of their lack of knowledge about total cost. Once they can personally calculate the total cost of an item they can use the information to make better decisions involving money.

By using real life materials that students have already encountered or could encounter, their learning happens in the context of the real world. Practice with locating information in a contractual agreement will lead them to careful observation of credit agreements in the future.

Building Expertise
Having students recall personal experiences with buying on credit encourages students to recall what they already know about the topic. Using their previously learned math skills and knowledge of calculators puts their skills to practice. Having them integrate skills, experiences, and new information will allow students to construct new meanings about a familiar or unfamiliar topic.

Lesson Designer
Tawna Eubanks
Hamilton City ABLE
(513) 8875021

Ohio Aspire

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