Eureka! Lesson Plans

Taking Notes for Class

Lesson Plan Information | Lesson Plan Activities | Printable version (including handouts) (PDF)

Standard Convey Ideas in Writing

Outcomes Students will find the key ideas in a short biography and practice the note-taking strategies of SQ3R, Cornell and outlining.

Classroom Information
GED Descriptors
     language arts - writing , language arts - reading
     Family, Worker, Community Member
Program Type(s)
     ABE, Family Literacy, Workforce Education, Urban, Rural
NRS Learner Levels (ABE/GED)
      3, 4
Time Frame
     1.0 to 2.0 hours
Technology Integration
Think Aloud Teaching Strategy
Semantic Mapping Teaching Strategy
Cornell Notes Intro
Cornell Notes

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Purposeful, Transparent, Contextual, Building Expertise
Purposeful and Transparent
Students preparing for postsecondary education will need to have experience taking notes for their classes. The teacher is being very explicit as she introduces several note taking strategies to the class, allowing them to practice using physics content.

As part of a transitions workshop, students will be able to practice note taking strategies in preparation for attending a university course.

Building Expertise
Finding key ideas and summarizing is the foundation skill for being successful as note takers. Students will practice these techniques and then apply what they have learned in an actual university class.

Lesson Designer
Judy Franks
Ohio Literacy Resource Center
(330) 672-0753

Ohio Aspire

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