Eureka! Lesson Plans

Estimation with Percents

Lesson Plan Information | Lesson Plan Activities | Printable version (including handouts) (PDF)

Standard Use Math to Solve Problems and Communicate

Outcomes Students will incorporate estimations when solving percent problems involving shopping and eating out activities.

Classroom Information
GED Descriptors
     Family, Worker, Community Member
Program Type(s)
     ABE, GED, Family Literacy, Workforce Education, Urban, Rural, Corrections
NRS Learner Levels (ABE/GED)
      4, 5, 6
Time Frame
      Four 1 hour classes

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bullet Math > budgeting
bullet Math > estimation
bullet Math > money

Purposeful, Transparent, Contextual, Building Expertise
Purposeful and Transparent
Adults want to be economical shoppers. To save money, students want to determine how much they will save and the actual item cost by using percentage off sales.

Students will be using newspaper ads to practice their percentage off skills in order to become more economical shoppers.

Building Expertise
Students are familiar with calculating percentages, but now are using this knowledge for a real-life experience and not just classroom practice.

Lesson Designer
Paula Mullet
OLRC Math Consultant

Ohio Aspire

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