Eureka! Lesson Plans

A Thanksgiving Survey

Lesson Plan Information | Lesson Plan Activities | Printable version (including handouts) (PDF)

Standard Use Math to Solve Problems and Communicate

Outcomes Students will be able to design and conduct a survey and translate that information into a basic bar graph.

Classroom Information
GED Descriptors
     Social Studies , Math
     Family, Worker, Community Member
Program Type(s)
     ABE, GED, ESOL, Family Literacy, Workforce Education, Urban, Rural, Homeless, Institutional, Corrections
NRS Learner Levels (ABE/GED)
      2, 3, 4
Time Frame
     3.0 to 5.0 hours

select any link below for a list of resources which also have that keyword
bullet Celebration > holidays > Thanksgiving
bullet Math > graphs
bullet Math

Purposeful, Transparent, Contextual, Building Expertise
Purposeful and Transparent
It was a very purposeful and transparent lesson because the students knew exactly why they were doing the tasks. It was also during elections so we could transfer what we were learning to other "real-life" situations.

The lesson was contextual because it arose out of a classroom conversation and helped to plan their Thanksgiving party.

Building Expertise
This task helped to build expertise in math computation, comparison, understanding graphing and enlarging their world view.

Lesson Designer
Karen Hibbert
West Central Community Correctional Facility
(937) 6442838

Ohio Aspire

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