Book Detail

Something out of Nothing: Marie Curie and Radiation

Publication Information
Author:  McClafferty, Carla Illustrator:  
Title:  Something out of Nothing: Marie Curie and Radiation Date:  2006
Publisher:  Farrar, Strauss, Giroux City:  New York
ISBN, paperback:  0-374-38036-8 ISBN, hardback:  

Recommended audience:
Family:   Young Adult:   Yes

General Information:
Book Type(s):    biography and autobiography, nonfiction

HSE Descriptor(s):    science

This is a very readable biography of Marie Curie and her discovery of radiation.

Teaching Ideas:
Readers may want to explore the interesting safety issues, both in terms of harm to Marie and Pierre and in terms of widespread use of radiation and its by-products. Students could create a bio poem for Marie. Class discussion might address the book from the perspective of women at the time, perhaps comparing Marie, as a woman scientist, to today's women scientists.

Teaching Strategies:
bullet Agree? Disagree? Why?
bullet Discussion Webs
bullet Matrices or Charts
bullet Brainstorming Activities (Guidelines)
bullet Semantic Mapping

Keywords: select any link below for a list of resources which also have that keyword
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > emotions > determination/perseverance
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > personal issues > individual > life choices > problem solving
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > personal issues > individual > physical issues > safety
bullet Geography > locations > countries > France
bullet History > topic > war > World War I
bullet Science > medicine > x-rays
bullet Science > scientists/inventors
bullet Social Studies > sociology > women > women in history > Curie, Marie
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > personal issues > individual > curiosity
bullet Science > chemistry

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