Book Detail

Do I Dare Disturb the Universe:

Publication Information
Author:  Lyles, Charlise Illustrator:  
Title:  Do I Dare Disturb the Universe: Date:  2008
Publisher:  Gray & Co City:  Cleveland, OH
ISBN, paperback:   ISBN, hardback:  978-1-59851-041-6

Recommended audience:
Family:   Young Adult:   Yes

General Information:
Book Type(s):    memoirs/reminiscences, biography and autobiography

HSE Descriptor(s):   

Charlise Lyles grew up in Cleveland in the 1960s and 1970s. This memoir focuses on life in the projects, her family's struggle to survive, her mother's relentless work to provide opportunities for children. Mostly, though, it's about Charlise-- her thoughts, actions, reactions, dreams, etc. This is an engaging and moving book, at times funny and at other times very sad.

Teaching Ideas:
In preparation for writing or discussion about strengths and barriers, readers could keep a reading journal of the decisions that the author makes. Since teachers figure prominently in this memoir, students could discuss what attributes make a good teacher for struggling students. A character sketch would be a good writing assignment also since the author's absent father had a profound effect on her life. Students will want to compare the two worlds of the author (and perhaps the events that are occurring in the background - Black Pride Movement, the burning of the Cuyahoga River, etc.). Toward the end, the author says that she belongs to neither world completely but that this has prepared her to be reporter and writer. Is this desirable? Trace Charlise's personality traits through young childhood into adolescence. Explore influences-- both positive and negative-- of her father. Google her-- find out what she's doing today.

Teaching Strategies:
bullet Agree? Disagree? Why?
bullet Discussion Webs
bullet Think-Pair-Share
bullet Types of Journals
bullet Unsent Letters

Keywords: select any link below for a list of resources which also have that keyword
bullet Ethnic Groups > African-American
bullet Education > teachers
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > personal issues > individual > endurance
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > personal issues > individual > life choices
bullet Family > children > childhood memories
bullet Social Studies > sociology > social issues > racism > prejudice
bullet Social Studies > sociology > social issues > racism > race relations
bullet Communities > urban
bullet Communities > belonging

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