Book Detail

Go Hang a Salami!

Publication Information
Author:  Agee, Joh Illustrator:  Agee, Joh
Title:  Go Hang a Salami! Date:  1991
Publisher:  Farrar Strauss Giroux City:  New York
ISBN, paperback:   ISBN, hardback:  

Recommended audience:
Family:   Yes Young Adult:  
Picture:   Yes

General Information:
Book Type(s):    easy reading, symbolic language

HSE Descriptor(s):   

The author has created and illustrated humorous palindromes, or phrases that read the same backward and forward.

Teaching Ideas:
After checking out whether the palindromes do indeed read backward, students can brainstorm their own examples. The book provides a humorous introduction to language study of many kinds--patterns in words, sound patterns, and other kinds of word play like tongue twisters. Look at the web sites below to find more palindromes. Web sites:;

Teaching Strategies:
bullet Brainstorming Activities (Guidelines)

Keywords: select any link below for a list of resources which also have that keyword
bullet Literature and Language > writing
bullet Literature and Language > figurative language > palindromes

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