Book Detail

Hammerin' Hank Grenberg: Baseball Pioneer

Publication Information
Author:  Sommer, Shelley Illustrator:  
Title:  Hammerin' Hank Grenberg: Baseball Pioneer Date:  2011
Publisher:  Calkins Creek City:  Honesdale, PA
ISBN, paperback:  978-1-59078-452-5 ISBN, hardback:  

Recommended audience:
Family:   Yes Young Adult:   Yes

General Information:
Book Type(s):    biography and autobiography, nonfiction

HSE Descriptor(s):    social studies| language arts - reading

The story of Hank Greenberg, first Jewish ballplayer inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame. Sommer explores the world of baseball as it became more inclusive and gives details of how Greenberg was an exceptional player.

Teaching Ideas:
Using the database search under athletes, students or teachers can find other books on American athletes fighting the barriers of segregation and prejudice, i.e. We Are the Ship by Kadir Nelson, First in the Field by Derek Dingle, and Satchel Paige by James and Tomaso Strum, among others. Constructing a timeline of events might help students sort through all the details and the many times Greenberg started anew. Or, students could look for the anecdotes that convey what a decent human being Hank was. Using a Venn diagram, readers could compare Hank Greenberg and Jackie Robinson.

Teaching Strategies:
bullet Discussion Webs
bullet K-W-L Instruction Strategy
bullet Think-Pair-Share
bullet Venn Diagrams

Keywords: select any link below for a list of resources which also have that keyword
bullet Ethnic Groups > Jewish
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > emotions > kindness
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > personal issues > individual > life choices > second chances
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > personal issues > individual > self-esteem
bullet History > topic > war > World War II
bullet Social Studies > sociology > social issues > racism > integration
bullet Social Studies > sociology > social issues > racism > race relations
bullet Sports/Recreation > athletes
bullet Sports/Recreation > baseball
bullet Sports/Recreation > athletes > Jackie Robinson

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