Book Detail

Rescued Images

Publication Information
Author:  Jacobsen, Ruth Illustrator:  Jacobsen, Ruth
Title:  Rescued Images Date:  2001
Publisher:  Mikaya Press City:   New York
ISBN, paperback:  1-931414-009 ISBN, hardback:  

Recommended audience:
Family:   Young Adult:   Yes
Picture:   Yes

General Information:
Book Type(s):    memoirs/reminiscences

HSE Descriptor(s):    social studies

The author contributes a moving and strikingly illustrated memoir of her experience of being a "hidden child" in Holland during World War II and its far-reaching effect.

Teaching Ideas:
Compare this book with a similar one Hidden Child by Millman or The Diary of Anne Frank. A Venn diagram or a matrix with categories such as relationships, conditions, feelings, and daily life would provide material for discussion or writing. Readers may be intrigued with the indirect use of photographs by both Jacobsen and Millman. Readers may want to focus on the relationship of the author and her parents as a way to grasp the emotional hardships imposed by their separate kinds of hiding. Students could write unsent letters from Ruth to her parents.

Teaching Strategies:
bullet Discussion Webs
bullet Matrices or Charts
bullet Types of Journals
bullet Venn Diagrams
bullet Unsent Letters

Keywords: select any link below for a list of resources which also have that keyword
bullet Art and Photography > art > collage
bullet Ethnic Groups > Jewish
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > emotions > fear
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > emotions > loneliness
bullet Emotions-Personal Issues > emotions > loss
bullet Family > children > childhood memories
bullet Geography > locations > continents/regions > Netherlands
bullet Hardships > persecution
bullet History > topic > war > World War II > Holocaust
bullet History > topic > war > children and war

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